Doctors of internal medicine treat the entire person, not only internal organs. These doctors are also called internist or general internist. To become a professional in this field, you must study several years and have a special and demanding training focused on the treatment and prevention of adult diseases. Usually, in the first three years, they are dedicated almost completely to learning how to treat, diagnose and prevent these diseases. For example, internists are specialized in resolving difficult diagnostic problems, and they can also handle critical chronic illness. What is more, in some situations, they even can handle several and diverse illnesses that may strike simultaneously.
Another function of the internists is that they can provide people with useful information to promote wellness. From substance abuse, women?s health and mental health to effective treatment of frequent problems of the ears, eyes, skin, reproductive organs and nervous system, internists are fully prepared to give their patients wise recommendations and the best options for medical care. In addition, you will find that there are 13 areas to sub-specialize in this field such as cardiology, hematology, endocrinology, infectious disease, rheumatology, among others. Some of these sub-specializations are recognized by the American Board of Internal Medicine, which in common with the American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine are responsible for the certifications of sub-specialists.
Finally, as internist, you will be an expert analyzing medical history and physical examinations of your patients. This will help you make the appropriate diagnosis thanks that you will be able to explain a constellation of symptoms and signs. Therefore, if your vocation is to be a specialist in this field, make your best effort and you will be ready for a promissory future.