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Home > Article Categories > Medical Vocational Articles > There's a Need for Georgia to Send More Kids to College

There's a Need for Georgia to Send More Kids to College

It is quite odd that instead of agreeing that there is a need to send more students to college in Georgia, it seems that there is a sizable contingent arguing that Georgia sends too many kids to college already. There has been a steady drum beat for more vocational choices because ?not all students are meant for higher education.?

However, kids who graduate from college will take home, on an average, over> $1 million dollars more over the course of their working lives than peers with just a high school education.

State Rep. Fran Miller said, at a hearing on his Bridge bill, that while Georgia parents agree that some kids are not college material and it would be a waste for them to go there, they meant that those were the other kids and not their own children. Theirs are always college material.

State Representative Miller?s Bridge bill would have created an independent track for kids who are not college material and train them to have skills for them to land decent jobs.

That comment from the state representative is to explain on his bill?s lack of traction. Although, it spoke of something else and it?s about the basic understanding of parents; whether their kids attend college or not, the future belongs to the well educated.

Now, let?s look at the current unemployment figures from the bureau of Labor Statistics: The unemployment rate for those with less than a high school diploma was 13.8 percent. The rate of 10.1 percent belongs to those with a high school diploma but no college degree. A rate of 8.3 percent goes to those with some college but no degree. And for people with an undergraduate degree or beyond, rate of unemployment is only at 4.5 percent.

A new report was publicized by the Lumina Foundation recently and it said 37.9 percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 64 held a two- or four-year college degree in 2008.

If the current rate of increase remains, less than 47 percent of Americans will hold a two- or four-year degree by 2025 ? a rate that economic experts say is far below the level that can keep the nation competitive in the global, knowledge-based economy,? the foundation warned in its report, ?A Stronger Nation Through Higher Education.?

Among its Georgia-specific data:

Almost 36 percent of adults in Georgia have at least a 2-year degree. This is below the national average of 37.9 percent.

Murray County has the smallest percent of adults with a 2- or 4-year degree (9.6%), and Fayette County has the largest (54.2%)

To satisfy the goal of 60 percent higher education attainment by 2025, Georgia needs to add around 1,346,524 additional college degrees in the next 15 years.

Laying the findings of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, the Lumina report noted, ?According to the center?s analysis of occupation data and workforce trends, 58 percent of Georgia?s jobs will require post-secondary education by 2018. Between now and 2018, Georgia will need to fill about 1.4 million vacancies resulting from job creation, worker retirements and other factors. Of these job vacancies, 820,000 will require post-secondary credentials, while only 595,000 are expected to be filled by high school graduates or dropouts.?

Southern Regional Education Board also released a report and it echoes the conclusions made by the Lumina Foundation.> In its report, SREB maintains that to satisfy the goal of having 60 percent of the adult population hold a post-secondary certificate or degree by 2025, its 16 member states will need to boost greatly the numbers of associate?s and bachelor?s degrees they award each year.

Alan Richard, director of communications for SREB said, ?We need much-improved career and technical education courses so that more kids can attend some type of college?as you may know, many CT programs now prepare kids for college, or at least specialized technical training. I visited a CT school, formerly known as the ?vocational school? in my native Anderson county, south Carolina, and found them making biofuels, studying nanotechnology, doing high-quality broadcast journalism and advertising projects, and more.?

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