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Medical Technical Vocational School Profile

Here is more professional information about the medical technical training school you have selected. There is a huge shortage of medical workers in America today. Help fill the demand. Begin a rewarding career today.

Classified Ad #10294380
Antonelli College Medical Coding

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Antonelli College Ohio and Mississippi

Antonelli College

Prepare Today for Your Health Care Career of Tomorrow!

 Cincinnati, OH

Here are a few things that make Antonelli College the right choice:

  • Antonelli CollegeGet in the education fast lane! You can earn an Occupational Associate Degree in your desired field in as little as 18 months.
  • Flexible course schedules. Whether you work days, nights, or a mix, our course schedules are designed to fit your life.
  • Financing - our dedicated Financial Aid advisor can help you find various types of financial aid for which you may qualify to make your education affordable.

Antonelli College

Antonelli College Admissions - The basic requirement for admission is to be a high school graduate or to hold a G.E.D. Equivalency Certificate.

Financial Aid - Our philosophy is that no student should be unable to attend because of financial difficulties. The Financial Aid Office staff is committed to helping all students develop personalized financial plans for attending our college.

Advisor Service - Upon admission, each student is assigned a faculty advisor who normally remains with the student until graduation. Faculty advisors assist students with quarterly registration, monitor and encourage students' academic success, and assist with academic issues or concerns.

Career Services - Antonelli College offers job placement assistance to both current students and graduates in good standing.

Medical Coding - Cincinnati, Ohio

The Associate Degree of Applied Science in Health Information Technology in Medical Coding Specialist Program equips the graduate with the technical skills and communication ability to be an immediate asset to a wide range of health care providers and insurers.

Every service (test, office, visit, injection, surgical procedure, etc.) in the delivery of medical care has a numerical code associated with it so that companies who pay the claims (health insurance companies, HMO's, etc.) can easily identify the patient's problem. Everything has a code: office call, simple urine test to complex brain surgery, even complaints like headache and upset stomach.

Medical Coders work in hospitals, doctors’ offices, health clinics, nursing homes, community nursing/health centers, urgent care facilities, health insurance companies, billing companies, just about any business involved with medical services. There is a movement to have some coding done as a home based business. This requires good business skills in addition to coding skills.

Antonelli graduates will have the training and ability to take the certification tests for Certified Professional Coder (CPC) offered by the American Academy of Professional Coders.

Medical Coding

Cincinnati Campus

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